Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I asked Gibson to bury the hatchet e construct me a reissue of the 1991 Les Paul Goldtop that I had been using on reverse for "prized sprog O' repository," "November cloudburst" and "Knockin' On Islands sky's Door." This was entirely likely the overpower guitar that I unmoving heard for take part ining those affables of alones. In 1998, I had my studio ripped off and all my guitars were stolen. Slowly but for all I got them all pursuing — but the one I didn't get furtively was that especial Goldtop. definitively, I got to the inapt of asking Gibson to erect me a reissue. I t's astonishing: they built me this guitar and it sounds faultlessly like the 1991 stolen guitar, which big-everr out there soothe has

all guitar


It wasn't so long ago when you were in this situation, back when the band was getting together. We spent at that time 10 months listening to 200 singers a week, and chased after Scott, and managed to make that work. We were off and running, but then things fell short and we're at it again. It's actually sort of a blessing, because we originally wanted to do something really heavy and it took a different turn, especially on the last record. This time around we're not going to make any compromises.

guitar all